Tuesday, January 31, 2017

1-30-17 Ted Talk


1-31-17 words for teenagers

This makes me feel like I'm being yelled at when I didn't even do anything wrong. As if someone I don't know at all is getting mad at me for being the worst when they don't know me and I'm not even the worst! It's targeting teenagers when most people were raised to act the way they do and have everything handed to them. Also, who made it okay to call people cry babies still? This person wants us to act like adults but is insulting us like a second grader would insult a kindergartner. There are certain parts that I agree with, like when it talks about everyone being important and needed. I feel like Tomi Lahren wrote this article - and SHE'S the worst.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Social Bookmarking CE January 27th, 2017

I understand now that there are more advantages and disadvantages alike to social bookmarking than I previously expected, and it's more of a widely used feature than I thought. I think social bookmarking can be helpful but also a bit of a backtrack for some if you just use it to snatch other people's hard earned links. I want to start using pintrest more especially with college coming up and planning for my grad party, it would be an easy way to collaborate ideas with my friends and roommates.
current event

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Alpha Advice January 23rd, 2017

Accommodate yourself first
Be vegan
Don't listen to the haters
Enjoy the little things
Find something you love to do
Go outside more often
Help stray cats
Inspire your mom
Joke around with pals
Listen to your mom
Mean people suck
No days off
Offer hugs
Practice lip syncing and air guitar- great skills
Quit smoking
Read Apple's terms of service before agreeing
Sing in the shower
Turn off your phone while with friends
Understand other's viewpoints
Vent to your mom
Wing your eyeliner
Xylophones are cool, play one if you get the chance
You can do it
Zuba pants are great gifts for your dad

Social Bookmarking January 24th, 2017

Social bookmarking is a feature available to be able to share or tag someone in something for later viewing. The purpose is to save your favorite websites and send them to your friends, and look at what other people have tagged, too. Personally, I sometimes use Pintrest, but am not an avid user. I use Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr all the time. I didn't even realize that those all "social bookmarking" sites, I just figured that out while researching! I do quite a bit of social bookmarking on a daily basis without even noticing it. I would suggest any social bookmarking site that would help you stay involved and organized. I like and use twitter the most out of any of the options.

Chrome and Symbaloo Bookmarking January 26th, 2017

Bookmarking is very helpful and makes life a lot easier when you want to get to certain websites fast. on chrome it's all just right there and it's even very simple to do if you aren't very tech savvy. Bookmarking in Symbaloo is also convenient because of the different pages you can make, but you can also make different folders on chrome, so personally I think Chrome is a more convenient option.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

January 17th, 2017: Prezi reflection

I think power point is easier to use just because we've become so accustomed to how it works, but with enough time and practice, I think prezi could become easier and easier to use. Prezi puts together a more visually appealing presentation in the way the slides transition from one to the other and it has more options for different templates. Prezi would be better if you want your crowd to be engaged more and listening and power point would be better when you need to throw together a presentation in a hurry. Honestly, I would use power point next time I'm making a presentation. Prezi took a lot longer for me to figure out how to insert pictures and it kinda stressed me out.

About Alli Prezi