Thursday, May 11, 2017

5-10-17 Final Exam Refelction

I was really expecting this project to be hard and a little unbearable, but I was pleasantly surprised. I had a very fun and smooth sailing time doing this project and will cherish the experience forever. This is probably one of my favorite projects we have done all semester, no joke! I'm glad I chose the topic I did because it was really easy to just integrate working on the project into my daily life! I'm super pleased with how it turned out and proud of myself for doing such a nice job. Yay! I would recommend this program to anyone in a heartbeat and will definitely be using it again. What a great way to close out the semester.

My favorite part of this class was getting to experience new and useful technologies that I will be able to utilize when I go to college and later on in life. I'm glad I took this class when I did because i feel as if it'll be really helpful for me in the coming years. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Tuesday April 25th website selection

I have created a website before in field biology sophomore year. It was pretty challenging but only because of the actual content that was required for the project. I used weebly and maneuvering through the system was not difficult at all. I am excited about this project because I get to make the website about something I actually really enjoy which is the BVHS choir department!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Current Event #5

7 Trending technologies

APP Review 4-17-17

Personally, I very much enjoyed this project. I actually found out some very useful information about certain apps that I can and will use on a daily basis. I like this class because we actually learn about current things and trends that can actually help us in school and our personal lives. This was for sure one of my very favorite projects we did because I got to learn about some apps I might've other wise over looked. I'm very excited to download these five:
Name of APP
Name of Student Presenter
What you found interesting about the APP
How will you use the APP?
Eat 24
It was enticing because you can order food and choose a delivery option for places who don’t normally offer a delivery option
To order food when I’m not feeling like going out to get something
Last message
When your phone is going to die, you don't have to worry about wasting more battery to text all these people and let them know you’re phone is going to die because the app just does it for you
To warn people about my phone dying
You can choose outfits and get style inspo!! That’s so cool because sometimes I neeeeeed some inspo for my looks when I’m not feeling it in the morning.
To outfit plan and get endless style inspo!
Like to know it
This also has to do with fashion, which I love!! You can search pics of outfits and insert your own which could be used to outfit plan or even just have fun with
To see what the hot new trends are
iHomework 2
This was so cool because it seems like it would be very helpful in keeping you organized and up to date with your assignments. Especially starting college next year, the workload will be more intense so I’ll need something to help keep up with all of it
To stay organized and up to date on homework and projects!

Current event #4

March Madness News