Thursday, February 9, 2017

2-9-17 Kids These Days!

"Kids! I don't know what's wrong with these these today?! Kids! Who can understand anything they say? Kids! They are disobedient, disrespectful oafs! Noisy, crazy, sloppy, lazy loafers! Kids! You can talk and talk 'til your face turns blue. Kids! But they still do just what they want to do. Why can't they be like we were: perfect in every way? What's the matter with kids today?!" - Bye Bye Birdie
This song speaks volumes about the atrocity that is a modern day child! What wrecks! They are selfish and entitled and the generation who raised them to be that way should not take blame whatsoever! Nor should the society that taught them ever standard they know! Millennials are responsible for the ultimate demise of the earth; you know it, I know it, everyone knows it!

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