Monday, February 27, 2017

2-21-17 Canva V. Lucid Press

I thought lucid press was easier to navigate and use personally. Pros for lucid press are: it was easier to upload my own pictures and they had a wide variety of layouts for each different thing I had to make. Pros of canva are: It had a perfect layout for me and i just had to fill in my own info and I enjoyed the color scheme that was already presented. Cons of lucid press are: it was a little difficult actually figure out how to save my new documents as pictures and some things weren't accessible due to me not having a paid account. Cons for canva: some of my pictures weren't able to be inserted on the document and there weren't as many options as Lucid Press. I think lucid press did the best job of offering trendy, aesthetically appealing documents while it still being a free service! I was able to do pretty much everything I needed to do without paying a cent! Overall, I'm very much leaning towards Lucid Press as my favorite. Lucid Press kills the game! Proud of them.

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