Carlie S: very fun, informative topic with pictures that were easy and fun to read. not very word-heavy and you can tell that she knows a lot about the topic she chose because all of the information seemed very educated and higher-level.
Lauren S: Ours were very similar so it was interesting to see the different information that we compared while still staying along the same topic line! Her color scheme went along with her topic and her topic was centered around something that very much so needs to be talked about which is cool to see other student passionate about things like that!
Litney G: A topic that i didn't know much about, so it was fun to see all that info. I'm not all that into YouTube, but it was fun to learn about that because it's this whole other world that I'm kinda in the dark about having not used it much, so it was definitely fun to see all that info presented in such a fun way!
Miranda O: Another topic I know very little to nothing about which was again fun to see all that information presented! Her color scheme and font were consistent throughout and went along nicely with her topic. It was a little word-heavy at times, but nothing too distracting!
Kenneth S: This one was fun because it's relatable! His color scheme was attention-grabbing and visually appealing with all the fun colors. It's interesting to see how much people spend nationally on something we don't really think much about. Very fun.
I enjoyed this project a lot!! Infographics are fun and easy to make and they add a certain pizzazz to a project that power point or prezi just can't accomplish!
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