Thursday, May 11, 2017

5-10-17 Final Exam Refelction

I was really expecting this project to be hard and a little unbearable, but I was pleasantly surprised. I had a very fun and smooth sailing time doing this project and will cherish the experience forever. This is probably one of my favorite projects we have done all semester, no joke! I'm glad I chose the topic I did because it was really easy to just integrate working on the project into my daily life! I'm super pleased with how it turned out and proud of myself for doing such a nice job. Yay! I would recommend this program to anyone in a heartbeat and will definitely be using it again. What a great way to close out the semester.

My favorite part of this class was getting to experience new and useful technologies that I will be able to utilize when I go to college and later on in life. I'm glad I took this class when I did because i feel as if it'll be really helpful for me in the coming years. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Tuesday April 25th website selection

I have created a website before in field biology sophomore year. It was pretty challenging but only because of the actual content that was required for the project. I used weebly and maneuvering through the system was not difficult at all. I am excited about this project because I get to make the website about something I actually really enjoy which is the BVHS choir department!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Current Event #5

7 Trending technologies

APP Review 4-17-17

Personally, I very much enjoyed this project. I actually found out some very useful information about certain apps that I can and will use on a daily basis. I like this class because we actually learn about current things and trends that can actually help us in school and our personal lives. This was for sure one of my very favorite projects we did because I got to learn about some apps I might've other wise over looked. I'm very excited to download these five:
Name of APP
Name of Student Presenter
What you found interesting about the APP
How will you use the APP?
Eat 24
It was enticing because you can order food and choose a delivery option for places who don’t normally offer a delivery option
To order food when I’m not feeling like going out to get something
Last message
When your phone is going to die, you don't have to worry about wasting more battery to text all these people and let them know you’re phone is going to die because the app just does it for you
To warn people about my phone dying
You can choose outfits and get style inspo!! That’s so cool because sometimes I neeeeeed some inspo for my looks when I’m not feeling it in the morning.
To outfit plan and get endless style inspo!
Like to know it
This also has to do with fashion, which I love!! You can search pics of outfits and insert your own which could be used to outfit plan or even just have fun with
To see what the hot new trends are
iHomework 2
This was so cool because it seems like it would be very helpful in keeping you organized and up to date with your assignments. Especially starting college next year, the workload will be more intense so I’ll need something to help keep up with all of it
To stay organized and up to date on homework and projects!

Current event #4

March Madness News

Thursday, April 13, 2017


Alli's survey

4-13-17 Online forms and surveys

I have never used google forms before, nor have I ever heard of it to my knowledge. The only survey generator I've used is twitter. I know, that's such a millennial thing to say but I'm a woman of my time! Sue me! I think its cool and interesting to collect info anonymously to get people's brutally honest opinions on things and know what people are really thinking.

Friday, April 7, 2017

4-4-17 APPS

I use apps all the time. I'm on my phone a lot, and every time I am on my phone, I'm using an app! Some of my favorites, and most frequented are: instagram, twitter, snapchat, google drive, bank of america, spotify and forever 21! All of these help me stay connected and self aware (bank of america does that for me.) My life would be a lot more boring and also difficult without apps being readily available to me. I am very very grateful for apps and smartphones. 10/10 invention, do not know where i would be without them in my life.

4-3-17 My Weekend

This weekend, I went to prom. I went in a group with my best friend genevieve and it was so fun to be able to experience my last high school dance hanging out with her. My friend, Austin Fraser, was my date for the dance and I'm so glad we decided to go together! We always have so much fun laughing and joking around. The best part of the night was definitely the actual dance part, sometimes people think the dance is stupid, but for me prom is different. It's cliche but it's just a whole different feeling!! When i was little I'd watch movies about high school and see my older sister getting ready for dances and such and I would get so excited and now it's so hard to believe that it's over! Crazy stuff. I'm happy to say that my last dance was the best.

Friday, March 31, 2017

3-31-17 NCAA Relfection

This project was honestly super frustrating and challenging most of the time. I don't know anything about basketball or computers so that made for a very difficult time for me with this project. Although, I learned that the little competition aspect of the bracket is fun and I can see how people enjoy it and look forward to doing this year after year. I didn't follow any of the games really, but I work at Paddy O'quigley's so, I guess I kind of unintentionally followed them while I was working during a game. I just heard through the grapevine about who won ad lost and was like hey I think they were on my bracket! It was kind of fun to see that a team you picked to win, won. I learned that neither google docs or excel are very beginner friendly when it comes to making things like this. A lot of the time i just found myself very confused and frustrated and not knowing how to complete the project and use these programs to their full extents, which got irritating. Nonetheless, I completed it and did better on the bracket part than i previously expected.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

3-30-17 Favorite TV shows

My two favorite TV shows (both on Netflix) are Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and New Girl. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is about a girl who was trapped underground by an insane preacher for fifteen years then she is found and moves to NYC only having an eighth grade level education. She meets a man named Titus andromedon who is an aspiring and washed up actor all at once. Their landlord, Lillian, is wild and hangs out with them as well. Kimmy is a nanny for this extremely rich family and befriends the stuck up mother. I love the show because it touches on serious issues and talks about problems in the world while still being lighthearted and incredibly funny. The humor is so quick and sometimes subtle, I've watched the series about four times and I still find a new joke or see something I previously over looked. And, it's more like a sitcom, so there's not much focus needed and you can leave and come back anytime and you won't have all these story lines to follow. New Girl is another one of my all time favorites. It's about a girl (Jess) who moves in with three guys after she finds out her boyfriend of five years had been cheating on her. It's a sitcom, so again there's not too much of a story line, but there are some relationships amongst the friend group and what not, The characters are so funny and each one is so different. I have watched that show more times than I can count, I love it and it's so easy to watch.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

3/21/17 Spring Break

Over spring break, I went to New York with BVHS choir students, We had so much fun sight seeing, going to Broadway shows, and eating all the fun and exciting food. I saw Waitress, Chicago and Wiked and was absolutely BLOWN AWAY by the talent that people possess, I cried at every show because they were so amazing. Some other things I did were: Circle Line boat tour, 9/11 museum, china town, SOHO shopping, freedom tower, central park, Rockefeller center, and more. We were so busy I was completely wiped out by the end of each day v=because of all the walking and activities. I want to eventually live in New York so it was very cool visiting the college that I hope to attend next year, Pace University. It has such a cool campus, is a five minute walk from the financial district, AND you can see the freedom tower from the dorms. When I was in New York, we got hit with a snowstorm and got to stay an extra day because all the flights on the day we were supposed to leave got cancelled. It was sooo cold, but we got to venture out into the snow and my day group actually had a snowball fight in Rockefeller plaza until we were politely asked to leave. When I got home, I worked the entire rest of break. While break was so much fun, I didn't really get to relax much, but that's okay because summer is coming up!! woooo!!!

I dont have wifi to upload pics right now, I will do when I get home :)

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

3/7-8/17 photo editing

be funky <333
I have the other pics on my phone and no service to email them-- I will post when I'm able 

pic monkeyhardthere were cool features, they just almost always had to be paid forpretty much everything had to be paid for
be funkyeasylots of sticker and other very fun effects!! i had so much funa lot of paid features
pic collageeasyif you want to post multiple pics, it's easy to put them all together, great for birthday shoutoutsthe watermark has to be paid for if you want it removed, although it is very cheap

3/3/17 current event

Current event

Thursday, March 2, 2017

3-2-17 infographic feedback

Carlie S: very fun, informative topic with pictures that were easy and fun to read. not very word-heavy and you can tell that she knows a lot about the topic she chose because all of the information seemed very educated and higher-level.

Lauren S: Ours were very similar so it was interesting to see the different information that we compared while still staying along the same topic line! Her color scheme went along with her topic and her topic was centered around something that very much so needs to be talked about which is cool to see other student passionate about things like that!

Litney G: A topic that i didn't know much about, so it was fun to see all that info. I'm not all that into YouTube, but it was fun to learn about that because it's this whole other world that I'm kinda in the dark about having not used it much, so it was definitely fun to see all that info presented in such a fun way!

Miranda O: Another topic I know very little to nothing about which was again fun to see all that information presented! Her color scheme and font were consistent throughout and went along nicely with her topic. It was a little word-heavy at times, but nothing too distracting!

Kenneth S: This one was fun because it's relatable! His color scheme was attention-grabbing and visually appealing with all the fun colors. It's interesting to see how much people spend nationally on something we don't really think much about. Very fun.

I enjoyed this project a lot!! Infographics are fun and easy to make and they add a certain pizzazz to a project that power point or prezi just can't accomplish!

Monday, February 27, 2017

2-21-17 Canva V. Lucid Press

I thought lucid press was easier to navigate and use personally. Pros for lucid press are: it was easier to upload my own pictures and they had a wide variety of layouts for each different thing I had to make. Pros of canva are: It had a perfect layout for me and i just had to fill in my own info and I enjoyed the color scheme that was already presented. Cons of lucid press are: it was a little difficult actually figure out how to save my new documents as pictures and some things weren't accessible due to me not having a paid account. Cons for canva: some of my pictures weren't able to be inserted on the document and there weren't as many options as Lucid Press. I think lucid press did the best job of offering trendy, aesthetically appealing documents while it still being a free service! I was able to do pretty much everything I needed to do without paying a cent! Overall, I'm very much leaning towards Lucid Press as my favorite. Lucid Press kills the game! Proud of them.

2-27-17 infographic reflection

Infographics are fun and pretty simple to make! I definitely enjoyed making this more than a power point or prezi because it's more fun to play around with the different options for graphics and it's less word/information heavy. I'd probably use an infographic to spice up a project where power point might really be the norm so it would set my project apart. I used piktochart and has a very easy time navigating my way around how to most effectively make my infographic. I would definitely use this site again if i ever decided to continue down the infographic path. 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

2-23-17 INFOgraphic

An infographic is a graphic visual representations of informationdata or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends. It's purpose is to display information in a more effective and visually appealing manner. Infographics are typically more pleasant and readable than just a report or document. The information best displayed in an infographic would be statistics. It is very easy to represent stats and numbers with graphs, pie charts, and other graphic devices! Like I said, due to it's visual appeal, an infographic would resonate well with any crowd! People would much rather look at something colorful, interesting and attention grabbing than just a boring ol' word doc! It gets your message across because people will ultimately be more interested. Personally, I'm very passionate about intersectional feminism. So, I might choose to use a word doc depicting statistics of inequality and oppression women face all around the world on a daily basis! This will help raise awareness in a fun, light-hearted way.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

2-13-17 Sweetheart weekend

I went to sweetheart with my friend Jack as my date in a group with my best friends!! it was so much fun. We went to Genghis Kahn for dinner then danced the night away at the dance <3

2-10-17 ET Course reflection and personal report card

1. I have all but one assignment in, and I honestly wasn't aware that I didn't have that in because I think I just didn't post it on my blog, so I'll do that.
2. The majority of my assignments are 5's
3. I received full points for my current event
4. I feel really good about this class and it is a lot easier and a lot more fun than I anticipated
5. I've learned a lot about different programs to use online for creating different templates and such.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

2-16-17 Dream Business

My dream is to open my own makeup business so i can make people feel as beautiful as they are! Makeup is a passion of mine and I'd love to spend all my time doing that for people and myself! I would charge different things depending on availability, event ans what kind of look they wanted me to create! i truly believe that i could actually make this happen for myself and that makes me very excited.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

2-9-17 Kids These Days!

"Kids! I don't know what's wrong with these these today?! Kids! Who can understand anything they say? Kids! They are disobedient, disrespectful oafs! Noisy, crazy, sloppy, lazy loafers! Kids! You can talk and talk 'til your face turns blue. Kids! But they still do just what they want to do. Why can't they be like we were: perfect in every way? What's the matter with kids today?!" - Bye Bye Birdie
This song speaks volumes about the atrocity that is a modern day child! What wrecks! They are selfish and entitled and the generation who raised them to be that way should not take blame whatsoever! Nor should the society that taught them ever standard they know! Millennials are responsible for the ultimate demise of the earth; you know it, I know it, everyone knows it!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

2/6/17 Collaborating Remotely

It was challenging, at times, to not be able to communicate face to face with one another. Despite the strife, I think my partner and I really persevered through the struggles and hardships we faced. I can't really imagine doing this a lot because it's pretty difficult especially when you're not able to get in contact with the person through email, phone, etc.

DOGS presentation

Thursday, February 2, 2017

2-2-17 Fun Pics

 This is a pic of my friends and me going to chipotle. My friends are the coolest.

 This is a pic of my mom and her boyfriend out to dinner with me last night <333
This is Jeremy Burge Jacobs and me rehearsing for this musical. I look silly.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

1-30-17 Ted Talk

1-31-17 words for teenagers

This makes me feel like I'm being yelled at when I didn't even do anything wrong. As if someone I don't know at all is getting mad at me for being the worst when they don't know me and I'm not even the worst! It's targeting teenagers when most people were raised to act the way they do and have everything handed to them. Also, who made it okay to call people cry babies still? This person wants us to act like adults but is insulting us like a second grader would insult a kindergartner. There are certain parts that I agree with, like when it talks about everyone being important and needed. I feel like Tomi Lahren wrote this article - and SHE'S the worst.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Social Bookmarking CE January 27th, 2017

I understand now that there are more advantages and disadvantages alike to social bookmarking than I previously expected, and it's more of a widely used feature than I thought. I think social bookmarking can be helpful but also a bit of a backtrack for some if you just use it to snatch other people's hard earned links. I want to start using pintrest more especially with college coming up and planning for my grad party, it would be an easy way to collaborate ideas with my friends and roommates.
current event

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Alpha Advice January 23rd, 2017

Accommodate yourself first
Be vegan
Don't listen to the haters
Enjoy the little things
Find something you love to do
Go outside more often
Help stray cats
Inspire your mom
Joke around with pals
Listen to your mom
Mean people suck
No days off
Offer hugs
Practice lip syncing and air guitar- great skills
Quit smoking
Read Apple's terms of service before agreeing
Sing in the shower
Turn off your phone while with friends
Understand other's viewpoints
Vent to your mom
Wing your eyeliner
Xylophones are cool, play one if you get the chance
You can do it
Zuba pants are great gifts for your dad

Social Bookmarking January 24th, 2017

Social bookmarking is a feature available to be able to share or tag someone in something for later viewing. The purpose is to save your favorite websites and send them to your friends, and look at what other people have tagged, too. Personally, I sometimes use Pintrest, but am not an avid user. I use Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr all the time. I didn't even realize that those all "social bookmarking" sites, I just figured that out while researching! I do quite a bit of social bookmarking on a daily basis without even noticing it. I would suggest any social bookmarking site that would help you stay involved and organized. I like and use twitter the most out of any of the options.

Chrome and Symbaloo Bookmarking January 26th, 2017

Bookmarking is very helpful and makes life a lot easier when you want to get to certain websites fast. on chrome it's all just right there and it's even very simple to do if you aren't very tech savvy. Bookmarking in Symbaloo is also convenient because of the different pages you can make, but you can also make different folders on chrome, so personally I think Chrome is a more convenient option.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

January 17th, 2017: Prezi reflection

I think power point is easier to use just because we've become so accustomed to how it works, but with enough time and practice, I think prezi could become easier and easier to use. Prezi puts together a more visually appealing presentation in the way the slides transition from one to the other and it has more options for different templates. Prezi would be better if you want your crowd to be engaged more and listening and power point would be better when you need to throw together a presentation in a hurry. Honestly, I would use power point next time I'm making a presentation. Prezi took a lot longer for me to figure out how to insert pictures and it kinda stressed me out.

About Alli Prezi